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Generate B2B leads through advanced content marketing.

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We help you grow your business
  • Turnover
  • Branding
  • Customers
  • Recruiting
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We create, distribute & convert creative content.

  • Step 1: Creation

    Our experienced and specialized B2B copywriters provide the right content: from blog posts to white papers, brochures, annual reports, social media communication, etc.

    We also have professionals in our ranks who create matching engaging visuals, such as infographics, photo compo- sitions and videos.

  • Step 2: distribution

    Team Red accurately maps your target group(s) and ensures your communi- cation reaches the right audience, with the right message, at the right time and via the most efficient channels.

    We provide distribution services for social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Insta- gram, Facebook, …) blogs, SEA and email marketing.

  • Step 3: conversion

    Content creation and distribution will only lead to the desired results if they generate enough new leads.

    Our performance marketeers use ongoing A/B testing with different messages & micro target groups to maximize conversion. All new leads are linked in real-time to your CRM or marketing automation system.


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Ready to grow? Contact us
Hoge Landbilkstraat 21
9185 Gent-Noord
Team Red is a HTEG BV brand